We conduct project to make our services more reliable to our clients and also making the access of water to all parts of the Coast Region.
Our World Bank Projects
Supply of water to Ngomeni fish landing site in Kilifi county -Contract no. CWWDA/T/KLF/W/018/2021-2022World Bank ProjectsWorks
Contract Name
Contract Scope
Supply of water to Ngomeni fish landing site in Kilifi county.
Contract no. CWWDA/T/KLF/W/018/2021-2022
1.Preliminary and General Items -Contractual Requirements and Performance requirements. 2.Pipelines -12km Laying of Gravity mains 160mm HDPE Pn10 and associated fittings. -Installation of air release valves - 25nr and Washouts - 27nr with associated fittings. -Bulk meters double flanged - 2nr and Zonal meters 5nr. - Chambers for air valves and washouts 52nr. - Distribution lines 90mm hdpe 1,000m. - Distribution lines 63mm hdpe 2,000m. - Micro-tunnelling pipes across highway. 3.Reinforced concrete tower 6m high -1nr - Construct Concrete towers 1nr. - Install 2No.x10,000L plastic tanks on 1nr concrete tower
Kenya Towns Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation ProgramWorld Bank Projects
Main Contract Names
Contract Scope
Pemba Dam Rehabilitation
Construction of New WTP .Rehabilitation of the Weir Interconnection of the existing system. Improve supply by adding 3000m3 per day to Kwale, Kinango, Likoni and Mombasa via Changamwe.
Coast Water Works Development Agency
Physical Adresss: Mikindani Street, Off Nkurumah Road, Mombasa
Postal Address: P.O. BOX 90417-80100,Mombasa ,
Telephone: 041-2315230
Bribery and Coruption Reporting Number:0717-777444
Email: info@cwwda.go.ke
Complaints: complaints@cwwda.go.ke