Our Projects

We conduct project to make our services more reliable to our clients and also making the access of water to all parts of the Coast Region.

Our afd Projects

Improvement of Drinking Water and Sanitation Systems in Mombasa AFD Projects

Main Contract NamesContract ScopeStatus
Mwache WTP-Raw water pumping station
-186,000 m3/d WTP
-Clear Water Tanks
-Preliminary Design Studies Completed
-NOL for Prequalification Docs obtained
Mwache SML Transmission Line and Terminal Tank-28 km of Transmission line
- 28,000 m3 Tank at Dongo Kundu
-Draft Detailed Design Completed
-Draft Prequalification Docs Completed
Mwache WML Transmission Line and Terminal Tanks-12 km of Transmission line
- 14,000 m3 Tank at Bonje & 16,000 m3 Changamwe Birikani
-Draft Detailed Design Completed
-Draft Prequalification Docs Completed
Mwache NML Transmission Line and Terminal Tank-22 km of Transmission line
- 14,000 m3 Tank at Nguu Tatu
-Draft Detailed Design Completed
-Draft Prequalification Docs Completed
SML & WML Distribution Network-Water Distribution Network (66 km)-Bids docs submitted submitted on 10th Jan 23 
NRW Works (MOWASCO)DMAs ImplementationProcurement of Consultant ongoing at RfP stage
Likoni Emergency Works -Works contract singed on 15th August 2021
-24% physical progress/95% of elapsed time